
Who is this Man? Part 10: Inspired – Small Group Curriculum

Who is this Man? Part 10: Inspired

Worship: Listen to a Worship song (If you need suggestions you can use one from the YouTube Playlist for this week) or express something that you are thankful to God for.

Welcome: Who was a teacher or pastor that you found to be inspiring and Why?

Word: Read Ephesians 2:10 & 1 Corinthians 10:31

How does Jesus inspire you?  What does he inspire you to do?

Have you ever had a moment when you needed to rekindle your relationship with Christ? 

What does it mean that we are “His workmanship”? Do we sometimes have a hard time believing that?

In Ephesians 2:10 it says that we were “created in Christ Jesus to do good works”.  How does this give us purpose in life? 

In 1 Corinthians 10:31, it tells us that we should do everything to the Glory of God?  How do we do that?

What is one practical thing you need to apply to your life?

Witness:  Continue to pray for the people that you want to see come into a relationship with Christ. What are some practical ways that you can show the love of Christ to your family, co-workers, and neighbours, particularly in light of the COVID 19 pandemic?

Pray for these people and each other.

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