The Heart of Callander Bay Church – Part 2: Prayer Watch this message from Sunday, February 19th and leave your comments below!
The Heart of Callander Bay Church – Part 2: Prayer

The introductory comments of my 2016 Annual Report can be found here: :…y-and-the-church/ As I reflect on 2016, we see that God has continued to do good things. We have continued to see small numeric growth, even though we said goodbye to many friends, who moved away for various reasons. Here are more of the […]
Taken from my 2016 Annual Report for Callander Bay Church “But I am afraid that…your minds will be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ.” 2 Corinthians 11:3 On April 4th, 2017, I will be celebrating 25 years of ministry in North Bay/Callander. As I reflect on that time, I see […]
I found this incredible article in Understanding Today’s Youth, a newsletter put out by Youth Unlimited, by Paul Robertson. In the research of Leonard Sax, author of the book, The Collapse of Parenting they determined which factor at age 11 is the greatest predictor of happiness and life satisfaction, when that child becomes an adult. […]
Sometimes the church needs a makeover. Just like homes that over time have begun to show their wear and need to be renovated, many times the church needs renewal. Sometimes it just needs a tweak, other times it needs to be torn down and rebuilt in an attempt to build a simple, effective church ministry. […]
I Choose Important Over Urgent “What is important is seldom urgent, and what is urgent is seldom important.” Dwight D. Eisenhower I finished up a series of messages called “I Choose” on the weekend. I talked about the need to choose what’s important more than the urgent. You can check out the full message in […]