Archive by Author

85 Billion Dollars

85 Billion Dollars

I was reading the “Our Daily Bread” devotional this morning and it stated that in the United States and Canada, 85 billion dollars was spent last year on lottery tickets.  85 billion dollars!  I can’t even imagine those kind of figures.  Money spent with the hope that it will turn in to more money. I […]

Time and Technology

Time and Technology

I just got a new cell phone.  It’s not the newest and the best, but in comparison to the one I had, it’s way better.  The battery actually lasted all day.  My app updates don’t fail because of lack of storage. I like it a lot. Technology is amazing!  I cannot believe what my phone […]

I Get Knocked Down

It has been four weeks since my last blog post. It has been four really bad weeks. Discouraging, difficult and depressing. But it’s time to get out of the mud and keep pressing on. Is life any better?  Not really. Is life really that bad?  Probably not as bad as I think it is. In […]

I Surrender 10%


If you go to the grocery store you will see a myriad of lite products.  Most of the products make promises that they will have all the flavour and half the calories or something to that extent.  Many times I have been disappointed with these products and they have not lived up to their billing. […]

Pressing On!


 Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on  to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider  myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and  straining […]

Jesus, Love and Social Media


Social Media and the Internet in general is an interesting place.  We have access to a plethora of  information.  We also have available to us more opinions on that information than we know what to do with. Particularly Social Media gives everyone a soapbox.  Currently, I am trying to establish my own little soapbox through […]