
For Unto Us a Child is Born – A Christmas Message from EMCC President Kervin Raugust

For Unto Us a Child is Born

Why did Jesus come as a baby?
He could have come as an adult but He didn’t!
What if coming as a child added weight to his teaching about being like a child?
Jesus came to identify with us not just to be God among us!
Jesus came as a child to show us the way into God’s Kingdom – “Unless you receive the Kingdom of God like a little child you cannot enter it” (Mark 10:15). Jesus came as a child – dependant, trusting, needing to learn obedience, playful, wanting hugs and eager to give them, curious and full of wonder about God. The point is Jesus became a human so He could identify with us AND we with Him!
Jesus identifies with our joys! He had His own!
Jesus identifies with our sorrows! He had sorrows too!
Jesus understands all our problems, difficulties, circumstances and opportunities.
He identified with them all and proved He was bigger.
Because Jesus dwarfs everything we can face all things with confidence.
This is the Kingdom way of Jesus!
This is His gift to us.
What gift do you think Jesus wants to receive from you?
What if it has something to do with being like a child toward Him?
What if it has something to do with going higher up and further into His Kingdom?
How about asking Jesus then listening for His response?

Merry Christmas!

Kervin Raugust
President, EMCC
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