Welcome to part 7 of the “Helping YOU Navigate Life” series, entitled “When You are Stuck” premiering here and on our YouTube channel this Sunday, August 30th, 2020 at 10:30am. Note: If you are joining us live for the premiere at 10:30am, you can head over to this week’s YouTube Premiere page and join us […]
EMCC Newsletter August 2020
Living in the Exodus Resources
In my message on Sunday, Helping You Navigate: Part 6 – Living in the Exodus. I mentioned a number of resources. I thought I would compile a list of some that I mentioned and others that are helpful. This list is in no way complete – if you have other resources you have found to […]
Renegotiating Faith
The delay in Young Adult identity formation and what it means to the church in Canada. By Rick Hiemstra, Lorianne Dueck, & Matthew Blackaby. Renegotiating-Faith-ReportDownload
Hemorrhaging Faith
hemorrhaging-faith-april-4-2013Download WHY & WHEN CANADIAN YOUNG ADULTS ARELEAVING, STAYING & RETURNING TO THE CHURCH BY James Penner, Rachael Harder, Erika Anderson, Bruno Desorcy, and Rick Hiemstra.