News From the Toolbox – December 2021 Update: From Jeremy and Tanya Lott
Dear friends and partners,
Thank you for praying, for words of encouragement, and for your love towards our family! You have stood with us in many ways!
Life can get pretty intense here. Between supporting others with needs, keeping our kids moving forward in school and life, as well as the responsibilities in our workplace, both Tanya and I are often running full tilt!
At the the clinic Tanya has been keeping appointments organized and working out charges etc. She also was involved in a recent medevac. At the shop we have been busy working with Papua New Guineans to keep cars and trucks rolling, talking with customers and much more!
I, Jeremy have done a number of rescues this past year, especially in the last few months, but the Lord is faithful and helped me tow cars home and pull one or two out of the ditch as well. We also celebrated Papua New Guinea Independence Day with our staff and welcomed students from a local college to the shop who toured the place, receiving encouragement as they train to work in the Automotive trade.
There are changes coming to the shop. A newly trained manager is here to take over the long vacant position of Auto Shop Manager and another expatriate mechanic from the US is also coming sometime in January. Please pray for the shop for all these changes, and especially for these men who have a large learning curve ahead of them.
In the last couple months we agreed to become a support team for Murray and Carol Honsberger. This Canadian translator couple have been working in Sepik rainforest of PNG, next to the West Papuan (Indonesia) border with the Kwomtari people for over 30 years. We have visited and been encouraged by them for many years so when we learned that they needed a support team we stepped forward. We help them with various requests they have regarding their house here in Ukarumpa, like purchasing a fridge for them when theirs stopped working. We help with their needs to keep things going in their village like sourcing 100 amp/hour batteries for their solar system. The Honsbergers desire to be faithful, not simply in the work they do, but in their lives before the Kwomtari so that they will see Jesus. Our next task related to our support of this lovely couple…to learn how to use a radio to communicate with them when they go out to the village using what's called a “Radio Sked” or radio time slot.
We have been so busy in the past few months that we used to joke “I think we need 2 weeks Covid isolation!” so we could slow down…Well…We got our chance! Daniel's “head cold” turned out to be Covid 19, likely the Delta variant that was all around us. We all came down with chills and fever, along with the aches and pains. We made it through though and are now back to work, back to normal and busy as ever! We have been very thankful for those who were praying. We recovered well.

Life has its stresses here as each uncertain event piles on top. We are thankful for you all who encourage and pray for us. The Lord sustains us as we leave our cares with Him.
Some of you might wonder what we do for fun here. Tanya walks with friends and attends occasional ladies retreats to recharge. I like roasting my own coffee or making homemade bacon. Recently Daniel and I went on a bike ride to a mountain about 1/2 hour away with a number of friends. It was a very special time a dad and his son can remember for many years to come…And nothing broke!
Praise with us:
- We are all healthy after having Covid!
- New missionaries are coming to work at the shop!
- Enjoyed good fellowship over American Thanksgiving.
- Good work we get to engage in, supporting Bible Translation.
Pray with us:
- For good transitions for missionaries coming to work at the Auto Shop.
- For God to bless the Kwomtari translation efforts of Murray and Carol Honsberger.
- For our boys to do well on their exams and finish well before Christmas break.
Thank you for your prayer, gifts and encouragement,
Jeremy, Tanya, Caleb, Daniel, Seth, and Steven
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