
Hanthorn Family Missionary Update

Hanthorn Update

June 2023

Dear Family and Friends,

We often reflect on how God has provided and cared for us over the years. One thing we have learned and try to remember, is that God is always faithful and gracious. This season of our lives finds us with 2 children left at home and with a third living in Alberta to finish her high school. The older 7 children
have all grown up, three of whom have families of their own and we now have seven grandchildren.
This past month we all met together as a family again. It has been 7 years since we had all been
together in one place. The last time we were together no grandchildren were born. It was sheer delight
to meet and spend time together. Pray for all our children, both the ones who are grown and those still at home, that they would all learn steadfast faith and trust in the Lord continuing in the path they have been taught.

In February, my dad had a health emergency, and I was able to meet with him for a few weeks. He is feeling much improved now for which I am thankful as my parents are devoted and faithful prayer warriors. The Lord led us to mission work in Fort McPherson in the 1990’s and has always been faithful in meeting our needs.

For this we are grateful and encouraged knowing His provision and faithfulness won’t end. The local church continues to grow spiritually, and the Lord is clearly at work in the believers’ lives. Please pray for the Christians, as it is hard to stand for Christ in a place that is open for religion but resistant to the gospel.

Pray they will be the conduit that the Lord uses to point their families and friends to Christ. Pray for the study underway in the main Church service and in the mid-week as we work our way through the books of 1 Peter and the Book of Revelation. The community has often been in mourning with tragic death being a normal state of affairs. The past month was riddled with drug related tragedy and death. Three young men all died within 3 days of each other, and once again the people were mourning.

In the month of May the government declared a state of emergency because of flooding as a result of a
fast-spring thaw. The highway in and out of the community was washed out causing access to essential
services such as the airport and water reservoir cut off. Pray that people would turn to God in their pain
and sadness when faced with troubles and struggles. Pray that the church will continue to be the light in
the darkness and will shine brighter.

We also praise the Lord for safety as some of our travels are on desolate
and dangerous roads. The last picture for you to view is what was left of
a trailer tire while traveling the Dempster Highway.

In Christ,
Paul Hanthorn
Onward for God’s glory

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