I found this incredible article in Understanding Today’s Youth, a newsletter put out by Youth Unlimited, by Paul Robertson. In the research of Leonard Sax, author of the book, The Collapse of Parenting they determined which factor at age 11 is the greatest predictor of happiness and life satisfaction, when that child becomes an adult. […]
Simple Church: Chapter 3 – An Extreme Makeover
Sometimes the church needs a makeover. Just like homes that over time have begun to show their wear and need to be renovated, many times the church needs renewal. Sometimes it just needs a tweak, other times it needs to be torn down and rebuilt in an attempt to build a simple, effective church ministry. […]
Figuring Out What’s Important
I Choose Important Over Urgent “What is important is seldom urgent, and what is urgent is seldom important.” Dwight D. Eisenhower I finished up a series of messages called “I Choose” on the weekend. I talked about the need to choose what’s important more than the urgent. You can check out the full message in […]
Simple Church: Chapter 2 – The Simple (and Not So Simple) Church in Action
In Chapter 2 of Simple Church. Geiger and Rainer take you on a tour of two churches. They are not real churches they are “types” created from their research. They call them First Church and Cross Church. First Church is a traditional,plateaued, or what they deem to be a, non-simple church. Cross Church is a […]
What I’m Reading: Simple Church
As part of my New Year commitments, I want to do more reading. I find when I read it makes me more creative. It helps me speak better. It helps me lead better. My goal is to try and lead at least one chapter a day when I ‘m in my office at the church. Which […]
Landing in Ramah: Christmas Letter 2016
Christmas 2016 Dear Friends, I GIVE UP! This is now my third attempt at writing my Christmas letter. The first time, after I completed it, the computer froze and I had to hard crash the system. When I did that the letter reverted to a copy that I only had completed about a quarter of […]
God’s Heart for the Orphans
Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. James 1:27 (NLT) Some numbers are really big. The number of orphans is one of those figures. Most sources say that there are at least 143 million […]