Archive by Author

Be Holy!


The series of messages that I have been working through has been called Weird: Because Normal isn’t working.  The admonition to be holy is a call to be “different” or “set apart” from the world.  The reason we are to do this is because God is holy and we are to be like him. What […]

Just the Beginning

Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom

I am endeavouring to build a healthy lifestyle right now. I have wanted to lose a few pounds and try and keep it off. I am on day nine of my diet and actually have been quite successful. By making some simple adjustments to my diet (no chips, pop and sweets) and better choices (salad […]

85 Billion Dollars

85 Billion Dollars

I was reading the “Our Daily Bread” devotional this morning and it stated that in the United States and Canada, 85 billion dollars was spent last year on lottery tickets.  85 billion dollars!  I can’t even imagine those kind of figures.  Money spent with the hope that it will turn in to more money. I […]

Time and Technology

Time and Technology

I just got a new cell phone.  It’s not the newest and the best, but in comparison to the one I had, it’s way better.  The battery actually lasted all day.  My app updates don’t fail because of lack of storage. I like it a lot. Technology is amazing!  I cannot believe what my phone […]

I Get Knocked Down

It has been four weeks since my last blog post. It has been four really bad weeks. Discouraging, difficult and depressing. But it’s time to get out of the mud and keep pressing on. Is life any better?  Not really. Is life really that bad?  Probably not as bad as I think it is. In […]