
A Letter to a Younger Me

I was reading an article where former National Hockey Player and Toronto Maple Leaf, Doug Gilmour wrote a letter to a younger self. I liked the perspective of writing from wisdom and experience to a younger and less experienced you. I hadn’t though of the article in quite an extended period of time, when I […]

Time and Enthusiasm

Recently in New Brunswick at Hopewell Rocks, a local “wonder of nature” collapsed.  Elephant Rock was a part of flowerpot formations that draw many tourists to the area.  The CBC reported, ” An estimated 200 tonnes of rock from one of the iconic flowerpot formations came tumbling down early on Monday (March 14, 2016) morning after the […]

I am Generous

I am learning to be generous.  It is a process, not an easy one at that, and it seems to have lots of hurdles.  I have resources.  Maybe not as much as I think I should have to be generous, but I have them.  There in lies one of the biggest obstacles to generous living: […]

Nagging Optimism

It’s Hard to Not Be Negative Doesn’t seem to be a lot to be optimistic right now in our world.  I think this is one of the negative sides of being an information/internet generation.  They say that “good news travels fast”, but in a high-speed generation: bad news travels really, really fast.  Between politics, the […]

Commodity, Equality and Rest.

If we look up the commodity market, we will get the prices of oil and gas, gold and silver, corn and soybeans, hogs and cattle, and cocoa and coffee.  Items we use, in our world, are on the commodities market.  But what we don’t see is what society has made the greatest commodity – people.  […]

I’ll Stand By You

Recently, I sat in a room of firemen, policemen, paramedics, etc.  I listened to the conversation about a scenario that maybe did not go so well.  Then I heard a very profound thing… it was this, “maybe everything did not go as planned, but still if my spouse had an emergency I would hope that […]