
The Life You’ve Always Wanted – Part 13: The Practice of Fasting. Small Group Curriculum


Listen to a Worship song (If you need suggestions you can use one from the YouTube Playlist for this week) or express something that you are thankful to God for.


  1. Check In – How is your application of Colossians 3:17 going?
  2. What is a food that you often crave?
  3. Have you ever given up something for Lent?
  4. Why is spiritual fasting not often done?


  • Read: Matthew 6: 16-18
  • What is Jesus’ teaching on fasting in this passage of scripture?
  • Pastor John mentioned that, “Fasting is God’s way of helping up cope in an instant gratification society.”  How is this true?
  • Read Isaiah 58:3-7.  What does this passage teach about fasting?
  • What is something that you need to apply from this lesson?


  1. Pray for each member that God would speak to them about how they can apply this teaching.
  2. Pray for any other concerns that your group has.


How can fasting be a part of reaching people in the community? 

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