
Small Group Curriculum – Starting Strong – Finishing Well. Part 3: Not Ashamed

Series: Starting Strong – Finishing Well (2 Timothy)
Sermon: Not Ashamed
Scripture: 2 Timothy 1:8-12
Date: June 6, 2021


Listen to a Worship song (If you need suggestions, you can use one from the YouTube Playlist for this week) or express something that you are thankful to God for.


  • Check In – How is everyone doing (good things, lessons learned, prayers answered)?


  • Who was or is someone you know who was unashamed of the gospel?
  • Read: 2 Timothy 1:8-12
  • What does it mean to “not be ashamed” of the gospel? Why does it not mean?
  • Why would Paul be concerned about Timothy being ashamed of him?
  • What is Paul’s view on suffering?
  • What is Paul teaching in verse 12 when he says, “I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until that day”?
  • Is there anything else that stands out to you from this passage of scripture?
  • Why is something you need to apply from this scripture?


If we were truly unashamed of the gospel, how would that effect the way we tell people about Jesus? How do we speak the truth of the gospel and be loving at the same time?


Pray that we would be unashamed of the gospel.  Pray for our family members and friends that do not know Christ.  Pray for any other concerns that your group has.

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