News From the Toolbox: Update from Jeremy and Tanya Lott – April, 2024

Greetings to our encouraging, supportive team! We are so thankful for you, our prayer warriors and those who give financially. We are in the rainy season here. We also see how many showers of blessings the Lord rains down. There's a lot to be thankful for!

We just finished our biennial conference in mid March. Pictured are some of the scripture produced in several languages and formats in the last 2 years. The end product came about by the hard work of many people. We get excited when we hear stories about Papua New Guineans, as they work with expat translators and others. So many, so often are astounded by what the Lord intended to say in the narrative, and they realize it for the first time. Praise the Lord! It's a blessing to be part of that!
This is Seth with his date Morgan. They were part of the grade 11 and 12 students, who were invited to attend a special banquet. It's a rather posh event put on by the parents. The kids dress in formal attire and select a method of transportation to “Arrive in Style.” They are served an elegant meal and afterwards enjoy a play, acted out by parents. The evening goes on with some cool games, and fun crafts.
Our Thailand trip was a success. Tanya enjoyed the women's missionary conference. Her dental work was completed, which included a root canal, three crowns and a partial denture. We are very thankful! The dentist was trustworthy and her work was excellent We also enjoyed special time together. It was an early celebration of our 25th wedding anniversary.
Our boys were blessed by a truly precious couple, (Dave and Judy Eddie) who stayed with them in our PNG home. Thank you for praying with us about our trip to Thailand.
Thailand was a wonderful adventure, and even though we planned it, we were surprised at how fun and exciting it really was. We both thoroughly enjoyed it! One of the things Tanya came to do in Thailand was to attend a special woman's retreat called “Thrive”. It's a unique ministry intended to refresh and rejuvenate women in ministry; many of whom are very worn. Tanya was very thankful for this opportunity. The venue, the encouragement and the love to the women was wonderful!
We pray that you know the Lord and Saviour Jesus the Christ. He's not just a good teacher. He's the creator, sustainer of all things, son of the most high God. He became the Lamb of God; sacrificed so we could be declared free and even righteous. Nothing we have could merit His goodness toward us. God did raise Him to life and we receive new life in Him.
Praise with Us
- The Lord provided such a wonderful time in Thailand as we remember our upcoming 25th anniversary.
- Daniel has been blessed and learned a lot at bible school this year!
- Tanya got the needed dental work done in Thailand.
- For the number of success stories from the work of Bible Translation and the large number of new Bible dedications this year.
Pray for Us
- Pray for Daniel who is finishing college and wants to find work and ultimately a trade.
- Pray for Caleb for some big changes in his life, like moving out, looking to start a trade, etc.
- Pray for the shop as transition is coming when Danny Ragsdale (manager) goes on furlough.
Thank you for your prayer, gifts and encouragement,
Jeremy, Tanya, Caleb, Daniel, Seth, and Steven
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