
From the Tool Box – Update from Jeremy and Tanya Lott (March 2021)

Dear friends and partners,

Here we are in March, which brings to mind that in Canada the temperature is getting warmer and the sun is stronger. Sap is beginning to run and new life will soon flourish! Over time we do miss those Canadian seasons here in Papua New Guinea (PNG). That said, we also remember how looooong winter can feel, and this winter with added COVID restrictions means it has been a tough year for many. We have been praying for you, that the Lord would comfort you and draw you closer to Him during this challenging time.

We have felt totally privileged to be able to return to our work in PNG. It has restored a sense of “normal” in our lives, with the boys returning to their school/friends and “home”. Jeremy and I were able to return to work “fresh” from our time in Canada. We are back to routine and feeling very much settled again. We were also received warmly into our community, and able to visit with many friends over the Christmas break. After social distancing in Canada for so long it was so refreshing, and almost overwhelming to meet with so many other families.

Jeremy had a list of vehicles waiting for him when we returned. The first one on the list had broken down shortly after we left for Canada. It had been at the shop for a year and a half. Thankfully Jeremy was able to find the problem (a computer ground), and get it up and running and back to it's owners within a few days. There's just one car left on that list (figuring out what went wrong after an engine rebuild).  We continue to hear from people “We are so glad that Jeremy is back”. It does feel good to be needed, and have the ability to help people in this unique way.

Tanya returned to working at the clinic. At first there didn’t seem to be a big need for her, but within a few weeks, two of the receptionists went back to their home countries, leaving Tanya the lead receptionist. This week two doctors and a nurse returned to PNG, which will help the clinic immensely. For the last year, we have only had one doctor plus several nurses in PNG caring for the Ukarumpa community. Even though that was far from ideal, The Lord provided!

As for COVID, up to this point in time there seemed to be a low number of cases and deaths reported in PNG. That said, there has been a large increase in cases in the last weeks. Our biannual conference that was scheduled for next week has been postponed, and there are rumours of further COVID restrictions. The government will make an announcement on Monday about that. Please pray for PNG, as they have limited health care options and are a very social culture.

Praise with us: 

  • We've settled quickly, we're all thriving!
  • Many more people have returned to the field even amidst COVID, and 3 more families are expected soon.
  • Good relationships with nationals.
  • Caleb has also settled at Jeremy's parents', with a good job. He is doing well in Canada.

Pray with us:

  • COVID in PNG (There are concerns over rising numbers).
  • Peace in nearby town (Kainantu) because there have been problems and some have died (We are safe here).
  • Ways to balance life. Be careful to get enough rest (especially Tanya).
  • Unity among the Auto Shop staff.

Thank you for your prayer, gifts and encouragement,

Jeremy, Tanya, Caleb, Daniel, Seth, and Steven

Jeremy and Tanya Lott          
PO Box 1(316)
Ukarumpa, EHP 444
Papua New Guinea

Wycliffe Bible Translators
4316-10 St. NE, Calgary, AB,T2E 6K
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the ministry of Jeremy-Tanya Lott #53578

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