
Who is this Man? Part 5: Redefining Greatness (Small Group Curriculum)

(For Sermon May 3, 2020)

Worship: Sing or listen to the worship song reflecting on the greatness of God. (You can use some from our playlist if you need suggestions)

Welcome: Who is one of the greatest people you have ever met? Why were they great?

Word: Read Matthew 20:26-28 & John 13:1-17

How does society generally define greatness?

In John 13, Jesus uses a living illustration of washing his disciple’s feet to teach them. What is the point that Jesus is trying to make?

According to these scriptures, how would Jesus define greatness? Does anything else stand out to you from these Bible verses?

Can you think of other ways that Jesus modelled servanthood to us?

Why do we sometimes struggle with being considered a slave or a servant?

How can we be servants in our home, in our jobs and in our communities?

Witness:  Continue to pray for the people that you want to see come into a relationship with Christ. What are some practical ways that you can show the love of Christ to your family, coworkers and neighbours, particularly in light of the COVID 19 pandemic?

Pray for these people and each other.

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