
The Life You’ve Always Wanted, Part 8: Life Beyond Regret

Welcome to part 8 of “The Life You've Always Wanted” series, entitled “Life Beyond Regret – The Practice of Confession” premiering here and on our YouTube channel this Sunday, November 22nd, 2020 at 10:30am.

Note: If you are joining us live for the premiere at 10:30am, you can head over to this week's YouTube Premiere page and join us in live chat.

YouTube Premiere

This Week's Worship Playlist

Here is a playlist of worship songs on-theme with this Sunday's message to help you on your spiritual journey:

Other things to check out:

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2 Responses to “The Life You’ve Always Wanted, Part 8: Life Beyond Regret”

  1. Hi John,
    An older friend who isn’t attending services at Bethel, tuned in to Callander Bay this past Sunday & was so blessed that
    she e mailed me about what a good message you had given. She strongly suggested I listen, in part because of some personal issues I have been sharing with her.
    It’s been a crazy week but this afternoon a friend was here at our home for the weekly Bible study we have been working on for months now, “Heaven” by Randy Alcorn”. We had a third friend but she had to drop out as she starts several weeks of radiation next week for a cancer on her face.
    I am glad I didn’t get quality time to watch your service until tonight as it might not have impacted me in the same way. You, see, some of the questions in the manual that accompanies the book caused me to answer truthfully some of the very things you talked about in this excellent message. Everything you pointed out were conclusions we had come to when we were honest.
    It is so refreshing to listen to a message that affirms exactly the same conclusions the Holy Spirit had taught us in our personal study during which time we examined our own heart before answering the questions.
    Now I plan to contact my friend who was here with me this afternoon & suggest that she listen too & be thrilled with God’s perfect timing as I am, having just listened myself.
    Thank you, John for the time required to prepare quality messages on practical issues we all face & then deliver them with both encouragement & challenges.
    Bill & I are at Bethel for two services Sunday mornings but I plan to tune in as time permits to more of this excellent teaching. God bless you & Jen as you continue to serve Him with so much enthusiasm.

  2. Thanks Joy for the encouraging words.

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