
Thanksgiving 2024: Small Group Curriculum

Sunday: October 13, 2024
Series: Thanksgiving
Sermon: Thanksgiving
Speaker: Mark Chester
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18


Listen to a Worship song (If you need suggestions, you can use one from the YouTube Playlist for this week) or express something that you are thankful to God for.


Check In – How is everyone doing (good things, teaching applied, lessons learned, prayers answered)?


  • What’s your favourite part of Thanksgiving dinner?
  • Read 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
  • Why is it important to “rejoice” always?  How can we do this daily?
  • What does it mean to pray continually? How do we grow in prayer?
  • How do we learn to give thank in all circumstances?
  • What does the phrase “for this is the will of God” mean to you?
  • Read: James 1:2-4. Why is it difficult to consider negative circumstances – joy?  Why is perseverance important on the spiritual journey
  • Rejoice Always, Pray Continually and Give Thanks in all circumstances, Which of these do you find easiest? Which one do you need to work the most on?
  • What is God asking you to apply from this lesson today?


How does this teaching effect how we reach others with the message of Jesus? Who is someone you want to pray to come to know Jesus?


 Pray for any other prayer requests you have.

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