
Life & Godliness: Part 5 – Perseverance. Small Group Curriculum

Sunday: February 16, 2025
Series: Life and Godliness
Sermon: Part 5: Perseverance
Speaker: John Inthof
Scripture: 2 Peter 1:3-9


Listen to a Worship song (If you need suggestions, you can use one from the YouTube Small Group Playlist) or express something that you are thankful to God for.


Check In – How is everyone doing (good things, teaching applied, lessons learned, prayers answered)?


  • What project in your life took the longest?
  • Read 2 Peter 1:3-9
  • Why is perseverance important on the Spiritual journey?
  • Can you share a time when you had to persevere through a difficult situation?
  • What strategies do you use to keep going when faced with challenges?
  • Who is someone you admire for their perseverance, and why?
  • What does God accomplish through difficulties and teach us through perseverance?
  • In what are of your spiritual life do you need to develop perseverance?


Pray for the people on your connect cards, that you will have an opportunity to share Jesus with them.


 Pray for any other prayer requests you have.

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