
Small Group Curriculum (Sunday, November 8th, 2020) Sowing and Reaping

Special Thanks to our guest speaker: Alex Kariuki (serving with Abba's Home Ministries in Madagascar) for coming up with the questions for this week.

Worship: Listen to a Worship song (If you need suggestions you can use one from the YouTube Playlist for this week) or express something that you are thankful to God for.


  1. Check In – Did anything happen in your life in response to last weeks challenge about prayer?
  2. What experience have you had with farming?


  1. Read: John 4:31-38
  2. What does sowing and reaping refer to in this passage?
  3. What did Jesus say his food was?
  4. Why did the disciples seem confused about what was happening? Who had Jesus been talking to before the disciples approached him?
  5. Read 1 Corinthians 3:1-8. Who is more important, the one who plants or the one that waters?
  6. What are some ways that we can sow, and water seeds in other’s lives?
  7.  Are we always going to reap a harvest when we sow seeds into other’s lives?
  8. How can you stay encouraged and motivated to keep sowing seeds into other people’s lives even if you are not immediately seeing the fruit?


  1. Pray for opportunities to sow and reap.
  2. Pray for any other concerns that your group has.


How can we bring the message of Jesus to people during this time?

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