
Dying with Christ – Living with Hope

South Shore Church is hosting a workshop that Dr. Angie Holloway is giving on November 13th, 20th and 27th from 1:30 to 3:30pm.

This is in three parts: 
1) “Discussing Death and Dying” – Nov. 13th
2) “Suffering, Pain and End of Life” 
3) “The Christian Duty to Care”

Each session builds on the previous one so you will not want to miss out on each session.
It will be an amazing workshop to attend.  This workshop is designed to promote the Christian view of death both within and outside of the Christian community. Recent societal changes, like the legalization and expansion of euthanasia and assisted suicide in Canada, have called into question traditional values related to the value and the dignity of human life. There will be three videos that will demystify death and the dying process and show a new approach to end of life questions that people may have. Please let South Shore Church ((705) 752-5971) know if you are attending
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