
Christmas Poem 2021

Christmas 2021.

It is now the month of December,
And 2021 is the year
In jus a couple of weeks
Christmas will be here.
Last year, we thought by now
Cover 19 would be long gone,
But instead, the 4th wave is here,
And it’s spreading, growing strong.
It's time we stopped complaining
And instead, accept the fact.
We are the ones controlling the spread
By the very way we react.
If we’d just accept the rules and keep them.
Wash your hands and wear a mask
And don't forget to do spacing
None of it – much of a task.
We could just stay at home,
And make the best of that too.
Visit by telephone, Facebook, or mail
It's all up to me and to you.
No more trips away by plane, bus or car
To places, whether near or far away
Nor allowing folks to come visit
And planning with us to stay
If everyone, everywhere -just did it.
The numbers might soon decline
And soon we'd be saying we did it.
We’d soon make up for lost time
So let's just bite the bullet – they say
And just do the best that we can.
And still have a Merry Christmas that way.
And spread peace and joy in our land.

By Susan Bain-Glenholme – December 2021

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