
Jeremy and Tanya Lott: News from the Toolbox – March 2023

   We're excited to tell you some news! We are returning after Daniel's Graduation in June!

If you remember from our last newsletter, we were struggling to make plans to settle Daniel in Canada. Should we stay for a 6 month furlough, or just drop him off on a very quick time frame of 6 weeks? We talked to a lot of people, we prayed a lot and many others prayed about this piece. There have been a lot of tough discussions, even some tears and sleepless nights over this, but finally we have landed on coming back in two pieces. We all return in June, but because Steven and Seth need to get back to school, Tanya will return to PNG with them after a 6 week visit. Because Daniel's school doesn't start till August Jeremy decided to stay and help him get some driving experience as well as settle him at Prairie College in Alberta.

Daniel Lott

We would like to give you a glimpse into the life of an MK. 
Daniel (as Caleb did) noticed at the turn over of his last year in PNG, there are a lot of “last times”. Things like, “This is my last Christmas”. We just returned from his last visit to the port city of Lae. He will have many more, very noticeable “Last times”.

We are trying to help him look forward to some exciting “new firsts” in Canada! Maybe you can help him, because in his mind, Canada is not really his home, and he doesn't know what to expect.

Remember the fires, the fighting and “the earthquake”. There was a lot of unrest and uncertainty for quite some time. It had its affect. But, we've cleaned up from the earthquake, the fighting is not coming on centre at the moment, and we are just starting to sleep better after a series of thefts at our own home. It's certainly not as bad as it was, but we are looking forward to visiting our “Home and Native Land” and hopefully let some of these layers drop off.

So…Just what are the Lotts doing while in Canada?
Well…Have you seen the size of those boys? At first we thought the shoes and shirts were shrinking from the humidity! Nope! These guys are growing into shoe size 12 wearing jean stretching monsters!
Because of this fact we have a large number of supplies that we will need to purchase for our next 2 years in PNG and many other responsibilities, like filling the to purchase list for Daniel's year at Prairie.
We also want to spend some time with Tanya’s grandparents, who are both 91 years old. We couldn’t visit much on our last furlough due to Covid. Her grandpa has been diagnosed with stage 4 gall bladder cancer so we really want our family to soak in as much as we can of that lovely couple.

Here's some other news happening in our lives.
Tanya has coordinated quite a number of Medivacs in the last little while. She loves her busy job at the Clinc, but she loves a chance to help others here as well, like young mothers.

Jeremy has had his title change because of how much he is handling at the shop. He is now Assistant manager, though he still supervises the repair in the shop and also oversees things in the parts-room. The shop has a different Manager (Danny Ragsdale) as well who is quite new, not only to the shop, but also to PNG in general. He has leaned on Jeremy's experience at the shop quite a bit and he does his best to keep things going forward.

Praise with us: 

  • We have some solid plans to return for a short visit to Canada.
  • Security issues have dropped.
  • We are loving our work!

Pray with us:

  • That we can settle Daniel well.
  • We get everything done that we need to in Canada.
  • For the right lodging for our time in Canada.

Thank you for your prayer, gifts and encouragement,

Jeremy, Tanya, Caleb, Daniel, Seth, and Steven

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