
Discovery Bible Lesson – Jr. Church. The Door of Easter Part 3 (for Sunday March 14, 2021)

The Door of Easter – Part 3:  A New Family

Scripture: John 19:23-27

Theme: God Wants You in His Family

*Note there is a YouTube playlist they are songs that fit the theme of the message if you want to use it in some way.

Worship:  Listen to God is For Me by Group Publishing

Thanks:  Everyone share something they are thankful for.

Prayer: Have everyone share a prayer request.  Take some time and pray for these things.

Memorize (Use one of the methods in this article to make memorizing more fun.)

“See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” 1 John 3:1

Bible:  Read: John 19:23-27

Discussion Questions

  • How you ever lost something that was really important to you? How did it make you feel?
  • It would have been sad for those who would have been watching Jesus be crucified.  It was nice that they had friends to be there with them.  Why is it important to be with people when they are going through a hard time?
  •  Jesus does something very special he makes sure that his Mom is taken care. Jesus made sure she had a family. Why is a family important?
  • In 1 John 3:1 it tells us that God loved us so much he made a way for us to be a part of his spiritual family.  How does it feel to know that God wants you to be his child?
  • What is something important to learn and apply from this lesson?


Colour the attached colouring page or the word puzzle.

Prayer:  Close in prayer

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